“He said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’ ” Mark 10: 13-16 

Children are very welcome in our congregation! We welcome all children as they are led on the first steps of their journey of faith.

Children in Worship

During non-COVID times, and in the regular school year, children begin each Sunday worshipping with the congregation at 10 am. Parents are encouraged to help their younger children choose an activity bag available on wooden posts in the narthex to use during the worship service. Following the service, children are invited to attend our Intergenerational Church School. 

Our Typical Sunday Morning Schedule

  • 10:00 am - Worship Service
  • 11:00 am - Intergenerational Church School

Church School

During non-COVID times, children are welcome to attend church school at 11am. There, children will read Bible stories and learn to connect to the Lord through readings, discussions, games, and crafts!

Our Offerings

The children's church school offerings go to support our partnership with churches in the Dominican Republic. Vacation Bible School (VBS) also provides the opportunity for children to give to missions, i.e. The Storehouse, a local food pantry.

Crib Room

Child care is available in the morning for all infants and toddlers! Tina Davis and a church volunteer are happy to take care of your little ones while you worship. 


Throughout the year, there are many special events for our children:

  • Vacation Bible School: Children are invited to come to the church in the evenings to learn about the Bible in a fun way! Have fun learning about the Lord while doing games, music, and crafts. Check out our Facebook page for updates and information! 
  • Pyoca Camp: Children of the church are invited to Camp Pyoca, a camp and retreat center in Brownstown, Indiana. All are welcome to attend their various camps throughout the summer!
  • Christmas Program: One Sunday every December, children, youth, and adults gather together to celebrate the joy of the season through fun plays and skits! 

Sundays at 10am

Fellowship & Church School at 11am

John Knox Presbyterian Church
3000 North High School Road | Indianapolis, Indiana 46224
(317) 291-0308