We would invite you to give financially as you feel led by God to support the ministry of John Knox Presbyterian Church. You may make a gift in any number of ways:

  • Online Giving - you may make your gift using the link here either by credit card or direct withdrawal from your bank account.
  • Cash and/or Check - you may contribute by mail or on Sundays at worship.
  • Automatic Bill Pay - you may set up an automatic check request with your bank to be paid to John Knox on whatever schedule you wish.
  • Stocks and IRA Required Minimum Distributions - if you are older than 70-and-a-half, you may take advantage of this opportunity to give to the church. Contact Cindy Hiday, our financial secretary, to learn more about this.

Give Now

Sundays at 10am

Fellowship & Church School at 11am

John Knox Presbyterian Church
3000 North High School Road | Indianapolis, Indiana 46224
(317) 291-0308