Friday Newsletter August 27
August 30, 2021 | Amy Willis
Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart!
Women's Retreat - Tomorrow, August 28
Women’s Retreat on August 28 – 9am-12pm (NOTE: change in time). The Deacons of Avon White Lick have invited us to come and join the women of their church for a retreat. The guest speaker for the day will be our own, Lisa Crismore. We will be exploring the sweetness of God with chocolate and gratitude. As the world continues to confront us with many obstacles, it is difficult to stay positive and see the providence of God. Come join our Presbyterian neighbors to the west of us and have sweet fellowship. A continental breakfast and light lunch will be provided.
This Sunday at John Knox
You are invited to join us for worship - either in-person or online - at 9:00 am or 11:00 am this Sunday, August 29, 2021. We welcome Ann Hamel to the pulpit. If you wish to join us online for either service, you may do so through Facebook Live and our website. Click here to watch our streaming live services. Please note: You do not have to have a Facebook account to view our services.
Our Christian Education will be kicking off a new Church School year in the life of the church. There will be prepackaged breakfast snacks and drinks in your classrooms during the 10am hour. All children, youth and adults are welcome to attend. Thanks to all the teachers who are willing to share their time and faith with us.
Office Hours & Mask requirement:
- The office will remain open from Monday - Thursday from 8:30am - 4pm & Friday 9am - 11am. We are asking that if you plan to be stopping in please make an appointment with a staff member.
- When entering the office, we are requiring that you wear a mask.
Thanks so much for respecting our need to keep everyone safe.
Haiti Earthquake Assistance
If you would like to help financially with the disaster assistance relief in Haiti, click here to go to the website To send a check, please designate on the memo line – Haiti Relief and mail to: Presbyterian Church (USA), P.O. Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700
Interim Search Committee Update
To date, the Interim Search Committee has completed all of our first interviews via Zoom and are now discerning which candidates to invite to the church for a second interview which will include a tour of the facilities and neighborhood and a time to meet with the staff and the search committee. We appreciate your continued prayers as we near the time to make final decisions. As always, for questions please contact Sue Hartman, Troy Judy, Goehrig Orr, Judy Ricketts, Kel Winton, or Pam Herman, Clerk of Session.
Office Volunteers Needed
Prime Timers - September 14
Everyone is invited to join us on Tuesday, September 14, at noon. Please bring your own lunch and we will plan to meet in Fellowship Hall. Our time together will be spent enjoying fellowship, playing cards and board games. If you have any questions or recommendations for games, please see Lisa Crismore.
Celebrating the work of Dawnie Barnhouse - September 18 & 19
Dawnie retired in the midst of the pandemic and we did not get a chance to celebrate her as our organist of many years. Please mark your calendars to attend a tailgate picnic in her honor on September 18 at 5pm. You will need to bring your own food and lawn chairs (although we will have extra tables and chairs set up).
Then on Sunday, September 19, she will be recognized for her service at both worship services. If it rains on September 18, the picnic will be held on Sunday following the 11am service. There will be an email and/or letter going out to share ways that you can show your appreciation to Dawnie.
Pyoca All Church Retreat September 24-26
Dr. John Franke, Theologian-in-Residence at Second Presbyterian Church, will join us again as our guest speaker at this year’s retreat! John will be sharing with us
about Dwelling in the Word: Reading Scripture as Disciples of Jesus. There will also be activities for children, as well as intergenerational activities for us throughout the weekend. Registration brochures may be found on the literature rack across from the church office, and in your September Tidings. Don’t miss out on this wonderful weekend of spiritual fellowship, nurture, and most importantly – in a truly beautiful place amidst God’s creation! We will follow CDC guidelines, Pyoca camp’s guidelines, and any local requirements related to Covid to keep the retreat as safe as possible.
Sunday - September 26 - Worship
On Sunday, September 26, we will have a special Sunday morning schedule. Because some will be at Pyoca that morning for the All-Church Retreat, we will only have a traditional worship service at 9am. There will be no Church School for all ages at 10am. There will be no 11am worship service at John Knox that day.
Organ Recital - October 10
Sunday, October 10 at 6:30pm John Knox will host an Organ Recital in the sanctuary. All are welcome to attend! Our own Shayla Van Hal will be offering an evening filled with beautiful music from our organ. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending. There will be more information in the October Tidings.
Have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe! I hope to see you on Sunday either online or in person.