Friday Newsletter September 2, 2022
September 2, 2022 | JKPC TEAMS
This Sunday at John Knox
You're invited to join us this Sunday, September 4, 2022, at 10:00 am for our Combined Summer Worship Service. If you wish to join us online for worship, you may do so through Facebook Live. Click here to watch our streaming live services. Please note: You do not have to have a Facebook account to view our services. Our scripture this Sunday: Habakkuk 2:2-3
Peace and Global Witness Offering
This Sunday, Sept. 4th, we will be collecting your donations to the Peace & Global Witness Offering. Your check should be made payable to the Church and allocated to Peace & Global Witness (P&GW), 75% of your donation will be sent to the PCUSA and 25% is retained by JKPC for our use as needed. In these times of drought, floods, wildfires, tornadoes, and social injustice, your donation can be a sign of hope for so many, Thank you for giving, The Mission Team
Fall Worship/Education Hours
- 10:00 am Worship in a Blended worship style
- 11:00 am Fellowship, Intergenerational, and Adult Church School
Session Announcements
The Session has agreed to continue the one blended service at 10 am with fellowship and education opportunities at 11 am! We will continue to listen and monitor how this schedule works.
Session Members: Jon Barnhouse, Dan Bourne, Ann Hamel, Sue Hartman, Pam Herman, Patty McKinnon, Bev Ray, Matthew Whitaker, Barb Williams, and Rob Wistendahl
September 2022 Tidings and Calendar are Now Available
The September 2022 Tidings and Calendar are now available for your review. We have a lot of activities going on at John Knox. How will you be a part of this Open.Caring.Community this month? Click here to view the September Tidings and Calendar.
Coffee With Pastor Beth @ The Spark on September 2 is Canceled
Prime Timers
The Prime Timers will be gathering on Wednesday, September 7 at noon for a pitch-in. We will connect with each other while we have lunch. Afterward, Lisa will share some of her pictures from her trip to Ireland, Germany, and Italy. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend as everyone is welcome.
The rest of the year's dates to meet are Tuesday, October 4 (to celebrate Lisa's birthday, we will eat at the Sugar Factory Downtown), Wednesday, November 2 (celebrate Thanksgiving with a pitch-in), and Tuesday, December 6 (LS Ayres Tearoom for Christmas).
Intergenerational Sunday School
We will begin a new adventure on Sunday mornings starting September 11 at 11 am. This will follow the worship service. This will be offered to children, youth, and adults. There will be a Bible scripture with a story presented in an interesting way along with an activity, time to discuss, and a light snack. Patty will continue to offer her class to those adults, who might want a quieter version of the church school. Willy and the youth will be included in this new offering. Come and check it out! It should be a chance to get to know all ages of our congregation. If you have questions, please see Lisa Crismore!
Pyoca All Church Retreat September 23-25
Rev. M. Elizabeth Wagner will be our speaker at this year's retreat! Beth is our full-time transitional pastor and will be sharing with us a topic entitled "Drawn In" asking some questions such as "What brings you alive? What truly moves your soul in the deepest way?
Click here to view and print the registration brochure. This brochure provides additional information on this Theme/topic. There will also be activities for children and intergenerational activities for us throughout the weekend. Don't miss out on this wonderful weekend of spiritual fellowship, nurture, and, most importantly – in a truly beautiful place amidst God's creation! The Last Day to register is September 11.
GriefShare Group
Join Pastor Jillian Flynn as she leads this support group. The resources in GriefShare will help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life. Our group will meet from 5:45 –7:30 pm on Wednesdays. This group will meet for 13 weeks and run from July 6 to September 28. People are invited to join at any time.
Please protect your neighbor
As we monitor the Covid virus, we see an increase in cases in our area. Just a reminder that if you are not feeling well, even if you think it is something as simple as a cold, PLEASE STAY HOME and worship via Facebook. As usual, masks and hand sanitizer are available at the church. Let's keep everyone safe and healthy.